We're proud to offer our bestselling pieces to retailers & organizations across the country for resale. Autumn Woods Co. products boast high sell-through rates and use industry standard keystone markups.
Many of our clients love the ability to develop a custom design just for their town, area, or brand. Once we develop your design, it will be exclusive to your store, and often at the same price as standard products.
We love the seamless shopping experience Faire.com has created for our clients, so we've partnered with them to process all wholesale orders. Explore now.
Custom Promotional Gifts & Merchandise
Our pieces are designed to never lose the raw beauty that nature gave them.
Our collection of wholesale custom wooden gifts embodies the spirit of the outdoors, designed to elevate every moment of adventure and relaxation. Crafted with precision and passion, each piece tells a story of authenticity and quality. From bottle openers to flasks, notebooks to pens, we’ve got it all. Shop the complete collection now.
Every piece is meticulously crafted from premium quality wood, ensuring durability and timeless appeal.
Wholesale Wooden Bottle Openers, Coasters, Pens & More
Whether you're a boutique retailer, a corporation, or a small town band looking to share your passion, our wholesale custom wooden gifts offer the perfect canvas for branding and personalization. Engrave your logo, add a custom message, or create a unique design that resonates with your audience. Elevate your brand presence and leave a lasting impression with every piece. Each wooden piece serves as a blank canvas, ready to be transformed into a personalized masterpiece.
Discover True Craftsmanship
Our pieces serve as reminders to pause, breathe, and appreciate the beauty of the world around us.
Quality is the cornerstone of everything we do. From the selection of raw materials to the final finishing touches, we uphold the highest standards of craftsmanship. Each custom wooden gift undergoes rigorous quality control measures to ensure flawless execution and customer satisfaction. Experience the unmatched quality that sets Autumn Woods Co. apart.